These classic bakery treats couldn't be easier to make at home. Simple swaps take them in new directions, so try Chocolate-Coconut Scones, Cherry-Hazelnut...
This recipe for a delightful breakfast treat is perfect for the entire family and is courtesy of viewer Terry Coulter of Virginia. Terry also recommends...
Butter is a must for Chicago-style deep-dish pizza dough. Use it as the base for Vegetable Lovers' Deep-Dish Pizza, and the skillet variation for Skillet...
With the addition of zucchini, this hash becomes something more adventurous than the de rigueur hash you may get in diners. Try this quick-cooking meal...
It might not be traditional to bake donuts, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't! Cocoa powder and chocolate chips enrich the batter for these baked beauties,...
This baked riff on ratatouille may look sophisticated, but it's surprisingly simple. Serve it for brunch or at dinner parties -- and save leftovers to...
Serve this rich braided sweet bread with salted butter, fruity jam, and lots of hot coffee. Spiced with cardamom and sprinkled with pearl sugar and almonds,...
It is important to wring all excess moisture from potatoes to ensure a crisp pancake. If you are uncomfortable flipping the pancake, you may invert it...
These creamy, cheesy scones pair well with butter when they're fresh out of the oven. They also make a great vehicle for your favorite egg sandwich. Scallions...
Cooling creme fraiche and fresh herbs liven up this vegetarian frittata studded with asparagus, potatoes, and two rich cheeses (goat and Gruyere). Big...
Creamy, airy mousse is pretty in pink and perfect for Mother's Day, but you can rely on it all season long. The dessert takes just 30 minutes to put together...
Plenty of people have their own go-to muffin recipe, but this light, moist rendition from Ellen O'Hara of Westwood, Massachusetts is hard to beat. They're...
This date-sweetened whole-wheat quickbread makes a much-appreciated holiday or hostess gift because it holds up well for several days and is a wholesome...
A New England staple, this wholesome bread uses three different kinds of flour and is baked in a can. Martha made this recipe on episode 706 of Martha...
Bake a batch of better-for-you breakfast muffins by using oil instead of butter, swapping out some of the sugar for maple syrup, and adding nutty, nutritious...
This versatile dish goes from brunch buffet to dinner table in a snap and is great with a leafy green salad. Baking the crust before adding the filling,...
Sauteed cranberries add a tasty surprise to this cornbread. They go into the baking pan first and are covered with batter. When the bread is turned out,...
This dish, sent in by reader Robert MacNeill of Cincinnati, Ohio, is a popular item on diner menus and is easy to make at home. Serve it as a side or,...
Kippers, or cured herring, is a British institution. According to Alan Davidson, a food historian and the author of "The Oxford Companion to Food," this...
Something like a cross between an omelet casserole and bread pudding, strata is perfect for serving a crowd at breakfast or brunch as it can be made ahead...
This nearly foolproof technique lets the blender do the sauce-making for you, yielding a slightly thicker hollandaise that is still creamy, smooth and...
This batter is thicker than normal, thanks to the addition of cornmeal. The bubbles that usually indicate when to flip a pancake will not form, so flip...
Master the technique, and this recipe will reward you with rich, flaky, tender biscuits. The trick, as with all biscuits, is to use a gentle touch and...
The secret to making delicate scones is handling the dough as little as possible. Another tip: If you don't have buttermilk, you can substitute 1/2 cup...
You can make this no-knead herbed garlic bread a day in advance, but the pillowy loaves are even better warm from the oven. For an illustrated how-to on...